Children’s Hospitals

Veca’s Hope Children Foundation

Golden Angel Society Members

Jackson Health Foundation’s premier giving group. Members have a strong sense of commitment to Jackson Health System and a desire to provide resources that help meet the system’s greatest needs.

We are proud to support Holtz Children’s hospital/Jackson Health system.

Help us celebrate special events for the kids, fundraise, volunteer, and donate things like toys or school supplies as well as financial gifts.

Veca’s Hope Children Foundation hosted its 4th Annual Halloween Costume Drive for Holtz!

Costumes for children and infants of all ages to bring Halloween magic to young patients.

Become a Guardian Angel @HoltzChildrenHospital.

Holtz Children’s Hospital is one of the largest children’s hospitals in the southeastern United States. As a result of the miracles that happen at Holtz, more children get a second chance at living a fuller life.

The Guardian Angels have raised more than $40 million in philanthropic support to enhance and expand pediatric specialty programs at Holtz Children’s Hospital and throughout Jackson Health System.

Halloween costumes collection ! All ages for all the kids @holtz.

Build the bear experience for all the kids @Holtz.

Teddy Bear workshop kits come with stuffing kit, wish star, our Veca’s logo T-shirt, and bags.

Arts and crafts to celebrate Valentine’s Day at Holtz Hospital! Looking forward to seeing you soon…

Easter bags including our exclusive handmade bunny bracelets…Happy Easter!

Halloween Drive for Jackson HOLTZ Children's Hospital

Back to school supplies donations to The Ronald McDonald House in South Florida at Jackson Memorial Medical Center.

Warm fuzzy socks collection for the kids @Holtz! Merry christmas

Thank you @jacksonhealthfoundation. We are grateful for you too.