Month: March 2021

Superintendent’s 5K challenge virtual race for education with our champ Eli ! Sponsored by Full Circle Coaching

Superintendent’s 5K challenge virtual race for education with our champ Eli ! Sponsored by Full Circle Coaching

Eli keeps inspiring us and showing everyone that nothing will ever get in his way 💚 running buddies 🙌🏻 Thumbsup international, nonprofit organization expanding attitudes of life’s possibilities, connecting people across all abilities to conquer…
Donate clothes to Babies & Toddlers (one, two and three years old)

Donate clothes to Babies & Toddlers (one, two and three years old)

Find our Charity list DM us directly for more information. Email: “Faith in action is love and love in action is service” Mother Teresa
Team Cure🎗

Team Cure🎗